Choose your Registration Cost!
We suggest $99.
Pay more if you can, or less according to your means.
*Check your email inbox after registering for a message to Complete Your Registration! After completion you will be auto-redirected to access to the course.
What You’ll Receive:
- An eBook (PDF) version of What it Means to Serve by Rita Roberts.
- A 15-day Creation Prayer practice, led by Rita Roberts.
- 12 Guided Soul Circle Meditations focusing on transformational Soul Growth.
Join The Soulcial Revolution!
A comprehensive introductory Spiritual Direction Soul Package on Mastering the Art of Being Fully Human.
A monetary investment is required to receive the initial steps toward your own Soulcial Revolution and to multiply it with us. We suggest $99. The amount you choose is up to you, how fully you want to be responsible for your own expansion of Soul and to contribute to a greater Soulcial Revolution.
Full, courageous engagement in these initial steps are required to join with us and others who are committed to creating a world built on Love and Truth. We will keep you posted on what comes next for us to work on together in mastering the art of being fully human. Whether you join us or not, these initial steps will transform your understanding of how you operate in the world. Even while unloving intentions do direct most of this human-designed society, they don’t direct the full you.
Let’s unleash the fullness of who you are with all your Divine qualities! If enough people do this, a Soulcial Revolution is inevitable!
Meet Rita and Scott

Rita Roberts, Artist, Illustrator, Screenwriter, and Medium
Rita Roberts lives and works in the San Luis Valley of Southern Colorado, surrounded by the cycles of the upper Rio Grande, which flows a mile from her studio. In the past, Rita Roberts’ paintings have been featured in Southwest Art Magazine, American Art Collector, Focus Santa Fe, and The Artists’ Magazine. Burton Silverman awarded her with second place for the landscape category of the 2004 art competition for The Artist’s Magazine. She was also a finalist in 2001, 2005 and 2013. She is a signature member of Oil Painters of America.
Today, she creates Soul Circles, portals to our soul and life condition, for herself, her clients, and for the world. As a medium, she offers Forecast Readings, Animal Companion Readings, and Soul Guidance for individuals and organizations. Visit her website –

Scott Schumacher, Spiritual Director and “Holistic Geek”
Currently living in Central Iowa, Scott Schumacher has spent the last 25+ years dedicating his life to holistic health and wellness. He’s a former massage therapist, a Certified Meditation Instructor, and Web Designer. Scott brings his technical gifts to all of the creations which channel through Rita Roberts – mixing audio, designing web pages, product development, and course production.
Scott’s specialty is in designing web sites for holistic and creative small businesses and solo practitioners. He’s also a passionate “dream walker” who derives much of his intuitive and psychic gifts through his nighttime dreams. Visit his websites – and